River Glen HOA Board Meeting
Berthoud Community Center, Cottonwood Room
March 20, 2018, 7pm
Attendees: Jack Shaw, Phillip Blankinship, Caroline White, Scott Canby, Dave Steffen, Naomi Fury
Homeowners: None
Started 7:07pm (Scott arrived at 7:20)
Old Business:
Sewer lining & paved over manhole
Jack & Scott talked to homeowner. Cover was paved prior to current homeowner.
Jack & Scott to obtain quotes to open cover.
Will get video of sewer from Mark
Dave provided update of ARC items from Ty
Coops that re big enough to walk into are being reviewed.
Still putting together wording for metal siding guidelines
Covenant violation policy – still under BOD review.
Horses – approved temporary one-time waiver until July 31 as long as have proof are progressing by end of May.
Using open space
Scott to set up meeting with PVREA to discuss solar. (Subsequently set up for April 4th at 5:30, meeting at 1704 Riverview Dr.)
New Business:
RGHOA Irrigation meeting schedule for later in week; Naomi will request notes from Daryl. (Request completed; waiting for response)
Treasurer report – Misc. discussion. Will not renew Surplus General CD in case need to use for sewer project.
Caroline & Naomi will work on getting/updating map, emails and phones for homeowners for BOD usage.
Will try to find letter from county that they’ll handle road maintenance. Need roads patched especially on Riverview Dr. (Subsequently found online)
Approved renewal of maintenance of open space with Carson Dziuk.
Will plan to have next BOD meeting June/July.
General discussion.
Meeting Adjourned 8:50pm
Submitted by Naomi Fury, Secretary RGHOA