BOD Meeting Minutes 10/9/17
RGHOA BOD Meeting Minutes
7pm Berthoud Senior Center
Meeting opened at: 7:05pm
Members present: Julie, Phillip, Scott, Dave and Denise
Members absent: Jack (out of town)
Homeowners present: 0
Old business:
1. .Manhole update: No new developments.
2. Amendment filing update: It was agreed by board members present, that Denise will proceed with drawing up the format language for amendments 2, 3 and 4, and will have them ready for Jack's signature before annual meeting. A third party may assist in delivering them to Larimer county clerk.
3. Slash pile burn day update: Jack and Denise will not be available on 10/21 for the slash burn event. Dave has agreed to take charge of the activity. Dave will contact fellow homeowners who have assisted in previous burns. The burn permit is for 30 days starting 10/21 should a cancellation occur.
4. Racicot/White and amendment 4 communication: It was noted that the Racicots installed an electric fence as agreed, within the two week time frame. The goats continue to remain on their property until contract ends for October 31.
5. Violation letter: The members present reviewed a violation letter composed by Jack regarding 5 horses, and suggested adding more detailed language before mailing.
New business:
1. Agenda for 2018 annual meeting: It was determined that the board will follow the traditional format for the annual meeting on November 7, 2017. In addition to the 2018 budget and committee reports, a time will be set aside for Julie Stapp to discuss a plan for presenting future covenant amendments. The board will have four of six returning board members for HOA approval.
2. Treasurer's report: Julie Rogers presented the 2018 HOA budget overview for approval. After an in depth discussion period, the board accepted the budget for presentation at the annual meeting. It was determined that Julie will leave the new treasurer with an HOA laptop equipped with the needed software to conduct HOA business. Julie stated that there have been no estimates received from bookkeeping firms to date.
3. ARC update: Per Tye Riley email: one request was approved for arena fencing.
4. Irrigation update: Tye Riley mentioned a temporary repair had taken place at the irrigation strainers. Due to deterioration, they will need replacement within 1-2 seasons.
Daryl Musser had emailed Denise and informed her that he is preparing an end of season update for the homeowners.
5. The topic of covenant enforcement was discussed, and further review of the HindmanSanchez documents will take place among the new 2018 BOD.
6. A short introduction of a possible community solar project was lead by Scott.
7. Next meeting: The next meeting will be the 2018 HOA annual meeting on Tuesday November 7, 2017 at Berthoud Senior Center 7pm.
Meeting adjourned at: 7:45pm.
Denise Vigil
RGHOA Secretary
dddv on 10/10/2017
Last updated
on 10/31/2017