RGHOA BOD Meeting Minutes Draft
8/28/17 Berthoud Senior Center
Meeting opened at 7:05pm
Members present: Jack, Julie, Scott, Phillip, Dave and Denise
Members absent: 0
Homeowners present: Randy and Caroline White, Gary Klug, Paul Simpson, Julie Stapp, Ryan and Shiloh Racicot, Chuck and Lynette Anderson & guest, Emily.
Homeowners discussion: Ryan Racicot opened with the reading of his letter, voicing his concerns and intentions of having the goats on his property, and his opinion of how the amendment change process was handled. There was discussion between homeowners present and board members regarding communication between the Racicots, and Whites. Discussion of the 2014 covenant "intent" language regarding 4H animals took place. A plan to install an electric fence by the Racicots was discussed. A method of future amendments will be addressed at the annual meeting, and Julie Stapp offered to head a method to work with the BOD and homeowners.
Old business:
The topic of the manhole located at Hart's property was discussed, with no new developments. Gary Klug suggested a certified letter be sent. Jack will look into that further.
It was determined this business needs to be finalized before further pipe repair can take place.
Covenant enforcement was discussed,and the present guidelines approved by HindmanSanchez will be reviewed.
The topic of sewer and irrigation communications was discussed by Julie with input from Gary Klug and Paul Simpson. It was reinforced that communications need to include the BOD with all projects and activity. Memos from committee meetings need to be sent to the board.
New business:
Amendment 3 update: Necessary signatures obtained- ready for HindmanSanchez to proceed.
Amendment 4 update: Necessary signatures obtained- a brief discussion of when an amendment should be enforceable took place. HindmanSanchez will advise and proceed in putting amendment 2, 3 and 4 in proper format for filing..
The BOD agreed to proceed with attorney fees to process amendments.
Violations were discussed within the HOA. Currently, homeowners are being told to submit plans for any chicken enclosures. Jack will oversee a letter to homeowners with more horses than allowed per acreage. Construction equipment was addressed on Anderson property, and possible solutions were discussed, one being a future amendment for metal structures.
A discussion took place of the need to meet with county officials regarding chip and seal applications within the HOA
A discussion took place of trash trucks, impacts on our streets, and possible scenarios for improvement, if any.
Flow meters were discussed, and the need for repairs to be determined by the HOA budget.
A brief discussion took place of the history of funds received by Riverside Farm and lots for future revenue should they be developed.
The topic of using firearms within the HOA was addressed, and determined that this is a topic for the attorney should the need arise.
There was a discussion that we need to register with the county utilities locator, to protect our irrigation and sewer lines.
The date for the HOA 2018 annual meeting was set (and approved by BSC) for Tuesday Nov. 7th. (This replaced Nov 6th because of availability)
The date for the slash pile burn and clean-up was set for Oct. 21. A permit was obtained for a 30 day period.
The next BOD meeting is scheduled for Monday 10/9/17 @BSC at 7pm. (confirmed by BSC)
Discussion took place of returning BOD members. It was determined that there will be 2 openings on the 2018 board. Julie and Denise will be retiring.
The need for a possible bookkeeping firm was discussed if no homeowner takes over the treasury position. Paul Simpson suggested he knew someone who may be qualified.
Daryl had posted an irrigation update to the HOA on 8/21/17
Tye stated per email that no new business was conducted by the ARC
Julie presented a treasurer's report for review and discussion.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:35pm.
Denise Vigil
RGHOA Secretary