6/12/17 BOD business update by secretary
The following business was conducted via email communications:
Utility easement sign off of 1212 Glenview Drive (approved by board email communication)
Department of water quality control surveys allowed on open space (approved by board email communication)
Goats allowed @ 1304 River Glen Way was reviewed by HindmanSanchez firm via email communication
The slash pile at the open space will be addressed as a volunteer project for clean-up.
Signatures are still required for the Marijuana Amendment in progress
The following ARC business took place (per Tye Riley):
3-6-2017, Piccoli roof extension to their shed; Fury fence approval
4-1-2017, McGee's roof replacement approval
5-1-2017, Rogers Barn lean to enclosure and corral approval
5-15-2017, Rocco house paint and fence approval
4-24-2017 ,Steffen barn accent approved
6-5-2017, Determined that goat housing structure @ 1304 River Glen Way is not large enough to require ARC approval
There was no new business to address, so there was no BOD meeting on 6/12/17
Denise Vigil
RGHOA Secretary
dddv on 06/13/2017
Last updated
on 06/14/2017